“Southern Girl” Donica Knight Talks Country Rock, Paying Her Dues & Her Future In Country Music


With the release of her brand new EP, titled “Can’t Buy a Southern Girl”, Donica is showcasing her unique blend of Southern rock, Country, Blues and old East Memphis music.

The EP and its scorching up-tempo tracks, Love Ain’t A Prize”, “Acting Like A Lady” and “Stomp”, just to name a few off the album, have proven Donica’s music portrays her Bonnie Raitt…Shania Twain persona and her vocal is raspy with a rich smooth texture, reflecting the passion for the art of singing and writing music.

“Can’t Buy a Southern Girl” EP, was produced by Multi-Platinum producer Jim Huff. The collaboration led to Donica co-composing and co-writing all of the songs.

With songs from the album hitting radio stations across the Southern states and Midwestern belt, the rocking first single “Love Ain’t A Prize” is currently charting on the MusicRow Country Breakout Chart in the top 40. The single also debuted at #1 on the itunes New Release Country chart, while the EP reached #2 New Release Country and #8 New Release All Genres.

Donica Knight, shares her excitement over the release of her EP, You Can’t Buy A Southern Girl. She talks about the stories behind the songs…

Country Music Pride: What would an ideal 5-year plan for you be? And are you currently on that road?

Donica Knight: Have a team of creative writers that I connect with musically and lyrically. Continue to write and grow 5 years deeper at understanding and experiencing song writing. Be 5 years better at my instrument / vocals. Have a solid team in place : manager, distribution, PR/social media, label, lawyer, touring band, life coach, and any other position unsaid. Have safe transportation and equipment : van, bus, PA, lights, and any members needed to put on a show. Have a strong business leader !!! … Yes I am

Country Music Pride: Have you received any accolades from any groups or persons that you highly value?

Donica Knight: I have and I am very grateful. I am inspired everyday by people I know or have not met before that enjoy the music that comes from my heart, which is who I am. Anytime you are brave enough to put your heart on the line it has the potential to break or love harder. In this case it makes me love harder and work harder everyday.

 Country Music Pride: What is the recipe for a perfect concert?

Donica Knight: Great songs, great musicians, great singer(s), great sound, perfect performance, perfect venue, perfect crowd, perfect vibe and being at the right place at the right time. Also keep in mind that sometimes perfection is found in the imperfections.

Country Music Pride: Biggest perk thus far for being involved with Country music?

Donica Knight: The Southern hospitality…

Country Music Pride: What are some of the “dues” you’ve had to pay for “paying your dues” as up and comers? Have any almost pushed you far enough to almost quit?

Donica Knight: 5 years performing every weekend (unable to attend many important weddings, holidays, birthdays, family get togethers, ect.), performing when I am sick, putting on a show even though moments before you stepped on stage your world was crushed, never having a proper sleep pattern which effects your ability to fall asleep, driving home at 3am knowing I still have another hour left being mentally & psychically exhausted (also driving alone at night can be scary and dangerous), being mistreated by the business, spending money I don’t have on lawyers for a fight that is inhumane, being stripped of my identity of who I pride myself in because of others opinions, having my heart broken on multiple occasions, giving away the time I saved for myself, becoming a slave to my phone, finding the happy medium of responding to social media messages and emails, the hardship put on relationships that are important to me, the cruel messages I receive from people that do not know me …

After 5 years, and yes I have been pushed to the limit, I want it more! I have the ability to turn bad situations into good even though it hurts! I have a passion for people and I love singing. When I love something or someone I love it with my very soul and I am drawn to the music business. Lord keep me safe!

Country Music Pride: What do you think you can bring to the table for country music in 2016? 

Donica Knight: Myself ! An honest girl that has been through the grind and has experienced parts of life. I also understand that what I bring in 2016 will only enhance in 2017, 2018 shoot even in 2050.

Country Music Pride: How do you try to stand above the rest of the masses trying to cut their teeth and make a name for themselves?

Donica Knight: By being me! There is no-one like yourself. I am naturally born to sing and fortunately I recognized it and have been cutting my teeth developing “me” the artist! That is why I am different 🙂

Country Music Pride: What would really excite you and encourage you that could be done by our readers and fans of yours that would help your goals come to fruition?

Donica Knight: There are many things fans/readers can do : share my music, send me a message of how it touches or connects with you because many times your message of encouragement gets me through dark days or brightens a bright day, purchase my music or merch, come out to shows, call in and request my music to radio stations, join the knight club on my website, connect with me on social media and be interactive.

Country Music Pride: Your music is a refreshing blend of southern rock, country, adult contemporary and blues…who have been some of your biggest influences when it comes to your music?

Donica Knight: Bonnie Raitt, Janis Joplin, Etta James, Susan Tedeschi, Eva Cassidy, Dolly Parton, Shania Twain, CCR, ACDC, Rolling Stones, Hank Williams Sr., Don Williams, Patsy Cline, Stevie Nicks

Country Music Pride: You have opened for such diverse artists as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Styx, Hank Williams Jr., Kid Rock, Luke Bryan, Jake Owen, Kenny Rogers, Scotty McCreery, Jamey Johnson, Joe Nichols, REO Speedwagon, The Band Perry, Chris Young, and 3 Doors Down (just to name a few…) what has been some of your most memorable moments being out on the road with such amazing artist? Have any favorites?

Donica Knight: Oh goodness! It is hard to pin point what has been my favorite moment because I have been blessed with so many golden memories. The best times to me are the ones connecting with the audience. I absolutely love meeting people before or after shows and hearing about their life.

Country Music Pride: Give us your take on your favorite country artists and what makes them so special to you… 

Donica Knight:  I have been very blessed to open up for several different artists and continue having new blessings. Just this week I opened up for Neal McCoy and it blew me away that he stood near the stage and watched our performance. It is the major artists that go the extra mile by either watching your performance, taking time for a conversation or a simple compliment, making sure the band is fed and taken care of, little acts of kindness that stick out in my heart and mind…that’s how Neal McCoy was to me and my band.

One artist I will always be grateful for is Jamey Johnson. He has been such an inspiration to me and has helped guide my gut about many levels of the music business through education. Jamey is honest, real, highly knowledgeable about his craft, enjoys a good joke, takes care of his people, hires good people, has the best laugh, naturally born songwriter and has a voice like velvet. As you can see I am a big Jamey fan. I respect his business and love him as a person…
A funny story that one day maybe I will get over is the day I met Jake Owen. It is the only time I have been star struck and did not know what to say. I had the biggest crush on Jake years before I had the pleasure of meeting him. I stood in front of him googly eyed wanting words to pop out in a smooth way but all that came from my lips was “i follow jake owen on twitter hehe” super fast like a squeaky mouse and he just smiled and was super nice pretending like what i said was interesting and chill! 🙂 He was a sweetie.


Country Music Pride: Fun fact about you that your fans may not know?

Donica Knight: I am a World Series Softball Champion 🙂

The newly released single, “Acting Like A Lady”, has already gone viral on Internet radio. The music video exploded with her fans and the song has already topped both Indie and Internet radio charts.

Check out the official music video for “Acting Like A Lady” here:

Donica Knight’s Music channel, on both YouTube and VEVO, features unplugged live performances of her catchy tunes and her eye-popping music videos, along with behind-the-scenes videos of the making of her new album, and stunning performances of her songs.

For more information on Donica Knight, visit her website and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


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3 Responses

  1. Wow…Donica Knight has that Bonnie Raitt…Shania Twain persona and her vocal is raspy with a rich smooth texture. This girl is totally on the move…her single “Love Ain’t A Prize is charting on Music Row in the Top 40 …yahoo yippee gonna see more of this girl for sure!!!

  2. She is a very talented young woman who is heading to be the “Future Entertainer of the Year”…her family, friends and many fans believe in her and know she has what it takes to get there…

  3. If you knew Donica’s family you would understand where this sweet talented young lady came from. She has a heart of gold and a family who is behind her100%. From the first time I heard her music I knew she had an unmistakeable gift and would make it with her southern grit!

Country Music Pride