Illustrating the tale of a woman’s devastating loss and triumphant revenge, Lindi Ortega just revealed an animated mini-film for her current single “Comeback Kid,” the first track from her three-part ‘Liberty,’ out March 30th.
The song was co-written and produced by Skylar Wilson (Justin Townes Earle, Rayland Baxter), who initially bonded with Ortega over their mutual love for Quentin Tarantino films…a theme woven through this particular video by way of haunting visuals reminiscent the director’s infamous ‘Kill Bill’ films.
“Comeback Kid” and ‘Liberty’ are getting early reviews…
“incredible musicianship from some of the industry’s finest” – Billboard
“New Music To Know This Week” — “Comeback Kid” on Jan. 19 – Refinery29
“a fiery and dramatic take on modern country that’s impossible to ignore” – Rolling Stone Country
For more information and to stay up-to-date with Lindi, visit her website and follow her on Facebook and Twitter.