Don’t miss the World Premier of Carter’s Chord’s “Love A Little Bigger” video on VEVO April 16 followed by a live chat on facebook and ustream April 17 as this dynamite sister trio share the inspiration, thoughts and experiences around the brand new “Love A Little Bigger” video.
Show Dog Universal Music recording trio Carter’s Chord traveled to the Dominican Republic to shoot the video for their current single “Love A Little Bigger”. The video made its World Premier exclusively on VEVO on April 16, 2012 and will be available digitally on April 17th. The group partnered with humanitarian organization World Vision earlier this year when traveling to the Dominican Republic and shot much of the video in areas where the organization is embedded and incorporated some of the sponsored children in the region. World Vision is a charitable organization that recruits samaritans to sponsor children in impoverished communities. And the trio invites you to join them LIVE in a chat where they will be taking questions from their fans and playing some music.
“This ustream chat is a great way to for us to personally connect with our fans,” said the group. “Our hearts are so full after making this video and we are anxious to be able to share our thoughts and experiences with everyone. We are looking forward to being able to do that in real time online.”
You can log onto the chat Tuesday April 17, 2012 at 7:00 pm CT on or
Check out World Vision here and Carter’s Chord at
Carter’s Chord Video and Chat Announcement :
World Premier on VEVO – Carter’s Chord “Love A Little Bigger”
4 Responses
i take workout 3 time a week MWF and i take amino acids 2000 i taeblt before and after 1 taeblt, is tis good enough to gain a body mass? pls.. help me, gve me some tips.. to gain weight, im on 142 pounds and 5’11
It’s really great that people are sharing this information.
– bazzecole, sì, qualche atrocità, qualche robetta ….contento lei… – “…dalla religione”: quale? E il mio capire non andrebbe oltre il dare sempre ragione al papa? Ma se la mia mossa iniziale in questa discussione è stata proprio la mia contestazione a una (per me indegna) affermazione papale in quel di Croazia…Incredibile!
It is really exciting to experience firsthand the benefits of read aloud and oral language development. I love reading the same books over and over again with my children and watching the experience change as the children grow older. Just wait til your baby points to a picture or makes an animal sound! I love how you are relating this all back to the classroom