Keith Urban 2015 Concert Calendar Benefits St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital

As the Christmas season coasts into it’s final days leading up to a crescendo of gifts, feasts and inebriated uncles, let’s not be too hasty lest we forget New Years is right around the corner. And we all know what that means, right? Of course, it’s time to get the new Keith Urban 2015 calendar.

In all seriousness, this is for a great cause. Proceeds from this years calendar will benefit St. Jude Childrens’ Research Hospital. Available now for $15 at the 2015 calendar features a collection of concert photos culled from Keith’s “Raise ‘em Up Tour” by his own fans. Yeah, that’s you guys.

In 2003 fans of the Grammy winning country superstar stepped up at his behest to raise funds for St. Jude. Thus, the inaugural calendar was born. Now in it’s 13th edition, having raised over $850,000, every year is as unique and one of a kind as Keith’s own distinct style.

Over the last 50 years St. Jude has raised the child cancer survival rate from 20 to 80 percent. Funds go to research and treatments as well as providing travel, housing and food for afflicted children. Families never receive a bill. Sharing all breakthroughs and treatments with doctors and scientists worldwide St. Jude boasts the highest survival rates among the most severe child illnesses. For more info please visit

With all the presents, food, decorations and other accoutrements of consumerism- I mean, Christmas, that we spend money on this season why not stop by and grab a calendar for charity. Now we just have to convince Nicole to do one.


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