Farewell Angelina Wraps Up Bacon Bros Tour Dates

Sunday night Farewell Angelina wrapped up their second run opening for the Bacon Brothers’ summer tour. The Northeast dates included sold-out shows at the popular City Winery New York City, the Flying Monkey in Plymouth NH, The Cabot in Beverly MA and Connecticut’s Ridgefield Playhouse.

Pictured following the final night’s performance at the Ridgefield Playhouse are left to right Kevin Bacon, Farewell Angelina’s Lauren Lucas and Andrea Young, Michael Bacon and Farewell Angelina’s Nicole Witt and Lisa Torres.

Each night, the guys invited the powerhouse female group to join them on stage to perform Bob Dylan’s “I Shall Be Released.”

We cannot say enough good things about the Bacon Brothers, their band and crew,” said Farewell Angelina on a Facebook post. “What lovely human beings and superbly talented singer/songwriter/musicians! The brothers set the bar high on how you treat people on the road. We are so grateful for this experience with them. Go buy their albums, and see them on the road. You will not be sorry!”

Farewell Angelina is an all-female country group signed to Dreamlined Entertainment. Together their magic blend of a multitude of stringed instruments, two blazing violins, and unique harmonies have taken Nashville by storm, and that enthusiasm is now spreading via word-of-mouth, social media, and live shows that bring down the house.

They won Taste of Country’s inaugural fan-voted “Hot Seat” position in their coveted ‘Risers’ program earlier this year, which spotlights the top new artists of 2017, and Rolling Stone listed them as one of their “10 New Country Artists You Need to Know.”

For a complete list of tour dates and more information and to get to know Farewell Angelina better, visit their website and follow them on FacebookInstagram and Twitter.



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