by Daniel Norwood
When I first encountered this band I was a bit shocked. The singer was a very tall thin man, and the rest of the band kind of looked like they should of been in a southern rock or much heavier band. Then much to my amazement, the show started and I was shocked by the performance let alone their sound. Their not quite pop, nor electro, or even rock.
Their really just good when you think about it, their album starts off with the song “Sex is a sin” obviously, theres a bit more to this band than a unique sound. It has you wondering half way through going, i like it, but what is it? The album continues with stronger songs such as “Bubbles and nights” , “Lovely Lovely” and “The One”. With lines like I wish i could be the one you desire, and i could be the one to make your heart catch fire. Theres tons of emotional connection that will go on with any listener.
The titles and album cover may have you turn away at first sight, but once you let go of your personal feelings twards the music and sit and listen, this is an album youll be listening to for days, and days. Youll find that the silly songs mean the most, due to our daily struggles in life, and that the serious one just tend to hit a little harder, and have you singing along in your head or in the car.
If you ever get a chance, to see them live, and experience first hand their professionalism as well as sound, you wont be disappointed. So go check em out, whats it gonna hurt to at least listen, and possibly love.